Somehow, this particular chicken seemed to have a faint gamey scent. We couldn't decide if this peculiarity was due to the halal butchering methods or if perhaps it had been raised on scraps from a table somewhere down the block. Possibly both; we're pretty sure the meats at our neighborhood butcher shops have a very local provenance, and not in the way that food writers enthusiastic about organic local farms use the phrase.
On the other hand, we bought nuts and Arab pastries from a tiny shop across the street. The sweets were completely soaked in honey, and the filling included crushed pistachios and coconut as well as

In addition to the satisfaction of bringing a beautiful looking bird to the table, roasting a whole chicken has the added benefit of leftovers. Our favorite recipe for today's poultry tomorrow follows; fortunately the strong spices will mask any olfactory flaws in your neighborhood fowl.
Cinnamon Chicken
This is a leftovers recipe, so it is by nature imprecise; consequently we will adopt the narrative mode of cooking instruction more common in nineteenth-century texts than in later, more scientific approaches to the art of cuisine. Chop a small onion and saute it in some olive oil until tender. Add two cloves chopped garlic and some crushed red pepper, to taste, and stir briefly. Then add a little wine (either white or red works) and about a cup of chopped tomatoes (this is optional if you prefer a more chicken-based dish) and season with cumin, coriander, salt, pepper and a bit of cinnamon. Stir in your chopped leftover chicken and let simmer for five or ten minutes. When the flavors have blended, add some lemon zest and lemon juice and a bit more olive oil, preferably the strong fruity kind. Sprinkle with freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley and serve over rice or couscous. You can add a little cinnamon to the rice when fluffing it, for extra flavor.
Serves 2, approximately!