Our new apartment is super-cute (thanks again to our new friend, Christine, for her frank and judicious help in locating a suitable domicile). We've even found room for nearly all of our kitchen implements and stemware.

We were quite at home - and probably more ensconced than we'd realized - in Connecticut; and it's been more than a little unsettling to try to learn to navigate the vagaries of shopping for groceries and ordering coffee in our new surroundings. Aside from being unspeakably hip, our fellow Portland residents are admirably socially conscious and environmentally responsible. The streets are mobbed with cyclists and practically all of what's on offer in restaurants and our spectacular new grocery store is local, fair-trade, and organic; the city farmers' market is a vast thrice-weekly happening. We've been pleasantly humbled to find that so many of the leftist political positions we strove to adhere to back East are practically centrist here. Of course, sometimes, we Oregonians just go to the beach.

Before we get too settled, we thought it best to quantify the roadtrip experience that got us here:
- Days on the go: 18
- Miles under our belts: 4,118
- Blog posts: 10
- Locales in which we spent at least one night: 12
- Nights spent in the tent: 10
- Pictures taken: 449
- Postcards sent: 16
- National Parks / Monuments / Lakeshores / etc. visited: 7
We’ll be spending the coming months acquainting ourselves with the brewpub capital of the world (incidentally, Portland boasts the highest concentration of microbreweries anywhere, with 32 pubs in the city and 38 in the surrounding area) and the many regional totem pole sites. We may share a few new recipes and travel experiences around the Pacific Northwest, but for now, thanks for reading and come visit us in Stumptown!

More pictures of our exciting adventure in Oregon, so far, are available here: