Sunday, January 21, 2007

Over the Thames and through New Forest

After a hectic week - including a goodbye party for an Ozzie mate heading back to Sydney, a friend's birthday celebration at the Crown and Sceptre, a visit from Laura's cousin coming through town after a long Grecian exile, and a (successful!) audition for the London Symphony Chorus - we'd had enough of city life and were craving some fresh salt air and some Hogs Back TEA (Traditional English Ale). So we split for the coast to visit some outdoorsy friends in Hampshire, where they sail, bicycle, walk and swim year-round along the beautiful shore, in view of the Isle of Wight. There's nothing like a bracing walk along the beach on a windy January day to put you in the mood for a fish pie and a pint (or two)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an idyll!